Haydon Law Group

Wills and Estate Planning

The effective preparation of your Will and planning of your overall estate and its allocation is critical. Marriage, separation or divorce, house purchases and other significant events may all impact on the way you manage your assets and how you would like your estate to be distributed after your death. Obligations under the law to family members and others also need consideration and for some people the tax consequences of the succession process are critical.

Also, the importance of having Enduring Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian documents in place cannot be underestimated. The granting of an Enduring Power of Attorney and Guardianship will ensure that a person nominated by you can act in your best interests in the event of loss of capacity by reason of dementia, accident or illness, an absence overseas, or a need for lifestyle choices including medical care and accommodation.

At Haydon Law Group we don’t just prepare these documents for you, we sit down with you to discuss your own personal situation and determine the best solution to make sure that you protect both your assets and your family and friends.

We can help you with:

  • Demystifying the estate planning process with plain English explanations
  • Preparing your Will
  • Probate and administration of your estate
  • Defending or making claims upon an estate
  • Keeping safe custody of your Will and associated documents
  • Preparing Powers of Attorney
  • Preparing Enduring Guardianship appointments
  • Regular prompting to review your estate plan and Will at the various milestones in your life
Contact us for an appointment time to suit you.